The Notion


Plan your big day, stress free!

Notion Wedding Planning Template animated, showing all modules

So Much to Think About.

So little time, so little know how to effortlessly plan your wedding.Imagine a tool that allows you to plan, track and visualise your wedding.Imagine, it comes with the compressed knowledge of an experienced wedding planner.Condensed into a digital structure:
The Notion Wedding Planner template.

The Notion Wedding Planner template has you covered!

  • Task Plannner

  • Budget & Cost Tracker

  • Mood Board

  • Guest List

  • Guest Registration form

  • Wish List

  • Script for the big Day

  • Vendors & Quote Tracking

  • Wedding Wiki

It's time to

Save Time

You don't have to figure out what needs to be done and save yourself 18h of internet research.Forget the arduous task of googling through hundreds of pages and freebies, just to make sure you didn't forget anything.đź©· I've done it for you - just eliminate what's unnecessary.

Save 30h of DIY building

Everyone can slap a few task into spreadsheet.But having it all in one place, not just tasks, but also your Mood board, vendor quotes, guests lists, organising becomes manageable and easy.You don't want to miss our pre-entered tasks, all in logical order, so you don't have to scour spreadsheets or paper lists, to stay on top of things.The template is neatly setup as a project management system, without the feeling you're being at work (again), while looking at boring tables.It's a cutie template, designed to please the eye.


save money

Save on the expenses of a wedding planner and not missing on important budget positions.You'll get a budget planning module, with 40 pre-filled entries, so you won't miss one.Delete the unnecessary ones and never wake up and realise, you've forgot to budget for that bouncy castle.

Get the compressed

expertise of a wedding planner

With the pre-entered tasks (Wedding Planner Option), you won't miss on the important stuff. And, since planning is a complex process, you'll also see dependencies with other tasks.→ Normally a thing that only experienced wedding planners know to navigate.This is where the template shines - it's compressed with planning experience.Become a temporary event planning pro! It includes:

  • 60 pre-filled tasks & dependencies

  • 40 pre-filled budget positions

  • 10 modules

👋🏻 Au revoir 👋🏻

paper planning!

The times of hectic paper rustling, made filing system searches or loosing your paper brain is over (thankfully).The template is YOUR central place to keep your wedding planning manifique.It'll always show the most up-to-date information.



The wedding planner template takes you on the journey of developing your own wedding style.
But also connect with your partner to be clear on your wishes and become a pro when talking with vendors.
It combines planning, creative concept development and understanding how all the tasks depend on each other (which is the most demanding part of the organization of a wedding).

  • Finding your WHY
    One of your first tasks is to align with each other. Figuring out what you and your partner want, dislike and what matters both for you for your big day.

  • Planning
    The planning module comes with 60+ pre-filled tasks, logical ordered due dates and detailed explanations expanding over 4500 words. A task even includes a partner excersise to connect with each other to align your expectations easier.

  • Budget & Cost
    Having a budget, broken down by expense, will keep you stress free and sane. This module contains 45+ budget positions one could think of.
    This will prevent you from overspending because it wasn't on your radar. Simply delete the ones not relevant to you.
    Or enter new ones and Notion will automatically sum all positions up. What's nice about it is that it allows you to budget AND compare it with the actual cost. This way you'll always see how much $-room is left

  • Mood Board
    Collect your ideas, straight from your browser into the Mood Board and develop your own wedding style. Think of it as your personal Pinterest.
    It comes with a gallery view, filtered by type, such as wedding dress, so that your collection is neatly organised.
    Don't forget to share the Mood board with your vendors, so that they faster grab your personal wedding vision.

  • Guest List
    This module is where you enter your invites, who confirmed their attendance (to what, eg. reception only), their dietary requirements, if they stay overnight, etc.
    There are pre-set filters to enter address information, catering and accommodation filters.
    Plus there's a dedicated view to plan your seating arrangement and seat Aunt Martha where she's can't chase those young lads.
    Once all details are entered, select the right view, export the data and send it to your vendor (hotel, catering, etc.).

  • Guest Registration
    Create your own registration page for your guests (example included) and collect registrations automatically in your Notion database (thanks to Notions API).
    A real time saver!

  • Wish List
    The custom of receiving gifts vary culturally and by preference. Many couples already live together, so they obviously have already many house hold items. Others haven't and need a "starter" kit.
    That is why you have a Wish List module where you enter the items (physical or non physical) you wish to receive.
    Collaborate with your future spouse to make your wish list as balanced as possible.
    Once finalised, share the page with your guests so they know what you want. Ask your maid of honor / best man to manage this list, so guest only see what haven't been picked of the list.

  • Wedding Day Script
    With complex weddings, where several things happen at once (or several days), it may be sensible to write down a script for the day. This allows you to check if the timeline actually works.
    Thanks to Notions Gantt-Chart, you'll immediately see if there's a conflicting overlap. Once finalised, print it out as a list and give it to your Maid of Honor / Best Man, your orchestrating team respectively. Be sure to also share it with vendors such as photographers, florist, cake maker, caterer, and other important people.

  • Vendors
    Collect contact informations, manage all quotes and compare their offerings.

  • Quotes
    This dedicated module allows you to keep track of all your vendors quote. You'll be able to not only track quotes by vendor categories, eg florists, but also in the case you get more than one quote of the same vendor.

  • Wedding Wiki
    Most likely you will ask your married friends for wedding planning tips or your family has some great insights.
    Record them in your Wedding Wiki Module.
    It'll come with behind the curtain context for your planning, especially around budgeting and sustainability. It contains pre-entered wedding planning wisdom - the secret sauce of this planner!
    If your friends get married in the near future, you can check back into your knowledge and help them out!

  • Onboarding
    Are you a Notion-Newbie? I got you covered! The 10th module of the Notion Wedding Planning template explains how to use Notion AND the template. It starts with setting up your task planner, to how to invite people into your Notion, etc. You don't necessarily need to "work" through this module and its 19 video recordings. Whenever there needs more context, it'll be linked to the tutorial section.

The insides of the template

Have a Look!

Have a look behind the paywall-veil and get an idea on how the Notion Wedding Planner template looks like.See what you get - no surprises!

Happy Clients

"Even though our wedding was very different than we had planned initially, Natascha’s Notion Wedding Planning template helped us plan our day a lot better and more structured.
We especially enjoyed how the wedding planner supported us in figuring out what was important to each of us individually and therefore made it easier to see our common priorities. The questions that the planner asks are brilliant and definitely show that Natascha knows what weddings can be all about and that every couple has different needs and priorities."
Theresa Vecsey,, Photo


Time to say - I do

Most Popular

Simple Version


Add you own content. Includes modules:

  • Planning

  • Budget & Cost

  • Mood Board

  • Guest List

  • Wish list

  • Vendors

  • Quotes

Wedding Planner Experience


Everything from the simple version, plus:

  • 60+ detailed tasks

  • 18+ focus filters

  • 45+ budget positions

  • Registration page

  • Wedding Day Script Module

  • Planning Wiki (know all quirks)

  • Onboarding tutorials

White Glove


Everything from Wedding Planner Experience, plus:

  • 1:1 onboarding (60min)

Additional time saved: 2 hours*


Total time saved: 6 hours*

Total time saved: 18 hours*
Expenses saved: $3000 - $8000 for a personal wedding planner*


Plain Version

Just want a simple solution to get going? Get the empty planning module, save 1 hour of DIY building and fill in the rest by yourself.

who is this for

  • Want to start planning immediately.
    Without what needs to be done.

  • You don't have time nor the patience to build a suitable structure.

  • You want ONE central hub for everything

  • You want a central place to collaborate on the organisation pieces with others

  • You always want to be on top of all things and not miss any task.

  • You prefer a chilled and smooth wedding planning approach.

who this isn't for

  • You, or your co-organizers, aren't willing to work with Notion – the personal plan is free!

  • You have many other commitments and have absolutely no time to do the planning yourself.

  • You are a paper gal or lad, prefer physical paper over digital.

  • You have a relative straight forward wedding to plan (just registry office followed by a dinner with closest family/friends).

  • You plan a big wedding, with over 300 people or spanning over more than two days – then you might get a wedding planner, aka a human, to begin with. However, you can start with this template and onboard a human wedding planner of your choice to it! Which would be super clever of you.

  • You plan a destination wedding in a country whose language you hardly speak nor you know the location yet. In that case you might consider hiring a local wedding planner anyway.

  • You are a professional Wedding Planner by trade - this template won't suffice your business needs. Please get in touch!


  • What do you mean by Time Saved (marked with *)?

    The time it would require to create the setup yourself and the research on every aspect of planning your wedding day. Also compare it with the hourly rate of a wedding planner or their package deals (starting at $1500).
    Saving on a professional (human) wedding planner makes sense; on average a wedding costs around $23,000 in the US. Ranging from $19,800 to $53,400 (source). Compare it with your country as well, e.g. in Switzerland the avarage is about $40,000.
    Wedding experts say that average Swiss weddings cost between $25'000 - 35'000, for approx. 60 guests, excluding honey moon, clothing and rings.
    → Let's take a budget of $35'000. Take 10% from it and you'll have a typical fee for an experienced wedding planner.

  • Can I test the template first?
    No. That is why we provide you with a video walk through of the template.

  • Does this work on the free version of Notion?
    Yes! Once you’ve made the purchase, I will send you a link to duplicate this to your Notion workspace.

  • I'm a newbie to Notion - will I understand the course and template?
    Yes! I've created a page that walks you through the installation and set-up of your planner. It comes with 19+ tutorial videos.

  • Is there a refund policy?
    Nope, once you received it it's beyond my knowledge and influence on how you use the template and course. I do however recommend you get accustomed with Notion before purchasing this template.

  • Can I duplicate this database to share with my team / friends?
    No, this is a personal license for individual use. Feel free to become an affiliate.

  • What happens after the purchase?
    This is where the fun really starts! After purchasing your Notion Wedding Planning Template you will sail off to the pinky shores of organization-land.
    On a more serious note, you will receive an email with instructions on how to set-up your Notion account and the link to the template. Watch your inbox from the sender

who's the creator?

Hi, I'm Natascha Buck. The creator of the Notion Wedding Planning Template for couples. I’m a former Event Manager, Project Assistant and Database Programmer. Today, I’m a Notion Consultant helping businesses to get their project management up and running in Notion.


The Notion Wedding Planner Template can't teach you these moves. Although, the template has some swag!

Thank you!

Accumsan tortor posuere ac ut consequat. Viverra nibh cras pulvinar mattis nunc sed blandit.

Affiliate Program for the


Let's co-earn by helping couples plan their wedding with ease.

Our affiliate program

We are excited to offer an affiliate program for the Notion Wedding Planner template.The Notion Wedding Planning template helps couples to organize their wedding with the knowledge of a (human) wedding planner and project manager at the same time.

the product

There are three options of the template available:

  • Simple version
    limited modules and no content

  • Wedding Planner Experience
    all modules, detailed tasks explaining what to do, when and linking to dependent tasks, pre-recorded budget positions and video tutorials for smooth onboarding

  • White Glove
    as the above, plus a 60 min 1:1 onboarding

earning options & conditions

  • 30% for option 1 and 2

  • $54 for option 3

  • cookie validity 14 days


Once you become an affiliate for the Notion Wedding Planning template you'll be given access to promo material. You'll find copy, images and video to include in your marketing campaigns.Additionally we will frequently mail you about upcoming seasons, so you can plan your campaigns accordingly, leverage wedding specific time windows and run your affiliate marketing on autopilot.



Your target audience are future bride and grooms and you would like to help them make their wedding planning smoother.Consider implementing a product spotlight in your evergreen funnel among other offering of yours (digital or physical products) or to complement a guest post from us.


Not all your website visitors will convert into clients for a wedding planning engagement. The majority of them visit your site for inspiration and wedding planning tips from a pro. Consider implementing a lead magnet where you offer your best planning tipps, in a 2nd or 3rd mail talk about working with you and the benefits and towards the end you could pitch them our product so they can organise their wedding themselves. Create an automated email sequence to do that - we highly recommend ConvertKit.Some of those template clients may get overwhelmed during their planning process. So even after a sale there's potential for you to step in and support them.Lastly, consider Notion to build your wedding planning operations. Get in touch for a solution!


Do you have a network of Notion users, who are in the age group (25-40)? Consider promoting our template to your email list or Twitter followers.The great thing with a Notion affine audience is, that the concept of the planner appeals to men and woman alike (our sales number show a 50/50 ratio).


The numbers are clear, the people who are most involved in organizing a wedding identify as women. Do you already have a following of females in the age group between 20-50? Consider promoting the template in your email automation or invite us for a live demo.


You must have a PayPal account and have it enabled in your affiliate account. We only do automated payouts.


After submitting your application we will review each applicant and approve you manually.


To be an authorized affiliate of Natascha Buck Consulting (NBC), you agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this agreement.Please read this agreement carefully before registering and using the NBC service as an affiliate. By signing up for the NBC affiliate program, you indicate your acceptance of this agreement and its terms and conditions.COMMISSIONS & COOKIE POLICY
For a sale to generate a commission to an Affiliate, the customer must complete the order and remit full payment for the product. Commissions will only be paid on sales that are made when the customer clicks through qualified, correctly structured Affiliate links. Properly coded links are the sole responsibility of the affiliate. Commissions can be viewed on the Affiliate Dashboard.
When a customer clicks on your affiliate link, a 14 days cookie will be inserted in their browser. If the customer does any purchase during the 14 days, you will be rewarded commissions.COMMISSION RATE
See section Earning options & conditions for commissions on orders (depending on tier) that are made by your referred customer(s) either by clicking on your qualified affiliate link or through the cookie set by your link.
Payments are made automatically every 30 days to your PayPal account.
The Notion Wedding Planning template can’t be refunded, since it is a digital product. In general, no deductions are made from the Affiliate’s balance.
Affiliates are permitted to use the NBC/Notion Wedding Planning Template brand and marketing resources available in your affiliate dashboard. Logos and other assets cannot be modified. The Affiliate does not gain any trademark, copyright or any other rights to these materials.
The Affiliate recognises that the template isn’t affiliate with Notion Labs, Inc. and no copyright is intended.The Affiliate will never imply that they are acting on behalf of NBC and will never advertise NBC products directly. The Affiliate will never bid for advertisements that compete with NBC, such as Brand bidding in Google Ads.The Affiliate will never represent themselves, NBC or their relationship with NBC in a false or misleading way.The Affiliate will not engage in the distribution of an unsolicited bulk email (spam) mentioning or referencing NBC.TERM AND TERMINATION
If the Affiliate terminates the agreement, no further commissions from NBC will be paid for any past or future customer transactions.
If NBC chooses to terminate the agreement, any balance greater than $0 USD will be paid to the affiliate within 30 days of termination.GOVERNING LAW
This Agreement shall be governed, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of Switzerland, without regard to its conflict of laws rules.
All claims and disputes arising under or relating to this Agreement are to be settled by binding arbitration in Zurich, Switzerland. An award of arbitration may be confirmed in a court of competent jurisdiction
We may modify any of the terms and conditions within this Agreement at any time and at our sole discretion. These modifications may include, but not limited to changes in the scope of available commissions, commission schedules, payment procedures and Affiliate Program rules.


about the creator

Hi, I'm Natascha

The creator of the Notion Wedding Planner Template for couples. I’m a former Event Manager, Project Assistant and Database Programmer.Today, I’m a Management and Notion Consultant helping businesses to get their project management up and running in Notion.


The idea for a wedding planning template came while watching a live stream where the guest presented her Notion setup. She mentioned that prior to knowing Notion, she had planned her wedding in Trello.This sparked the idea to make wedding planning even easier than in Trello, because in Notion I can have boards but also list and gallery views. Organise your guests and your inspiration and have it displayed in various ways.I’ve also realized that with every wedding one needs to do a lot of research and these research questions are mostly the same.The result, like what kind of decoration you like, is of course different. But it’s about figuring out what you and your future spouse want for your big day.And once you know that, you want to know what to do when and what the best way to approach it is. All done in a timely manner and staying within the budget.And maybe you’d like to share the workload and divide tasks among you and your fiancé or even with your bridesmaids.All that is possible with Notion.



Are you a professional wedding planner by trade? Are you looking for an easier way to plan weddings for your clients and feel, that you do not want to reinvent the wheel every time?Reach out to me! I’m currently creating a solution for professionals.



Are your clients wedding couples and you (secretly) wish that they come in more prepared, that they know better what to ask or brief you with, so that you can deliver a better service to them? The wedding planning template not only helps to organize a wedding, but also helps couples decide what they want and what to ask vendors. Become an affiliate for the wedding planning template!
